JAKARTA - The Palestinian Prisoner's Society (PPS) said several prisoners from the Gaza Strip, who were detained in Israeli occupational prisons, had amputated their limbs without anesthetic.

In a statement as quoted from WAFA July 3, PPS said some detainees were amputated because of the injuries suffered by the shackles and handcuffs during the detention period.

PPS shows prisoners being restrained, handcuffed, literate and closed their eyes all the time. In addition, prisoners were subjected to beatings using all means and tools, including attacking them with sticks and police dogs. Prisoners also experienced hunger and humiliation.

"The occupation prevented the detainees from communicating with each other. If the detainees try to talk to each other, they become subjected to torture and punishment. Several testimonies reported that they experienced sexual violence and rape," according to the statement.

Correctional institutions also said prisoners were forced to use their shoes as pillows and were prohibited from praying or performing religious rituals. Bathing time and using the bathroom are also limited to just one minute.

These testimonies came after a limited visit by lawyers to a number of Gaza detainees, including visits to the Sde Teman camp, where detainees faced brutal abuse, including torture and medical crimes, in addition to other human rights abuses.

Gaza prisoners are scattered in several other prisons, where they are also facing systematic torture.

PPS said the "witness of Gaza detainees reflects the level of torture, harassment, and forced hunger by the unprecedented Israeli occupation."

The number of Palestinian prisoners killed in prisons and Israeli detention camps as a result of torture since the start of Israeli aggression and genocide on October 7, 2023, is the highest in the history of the Palestinian prisoner movement. The majority of prisoners came from Gaza.

PPS said thousands of families were not aware of the fate of their detained children, especially after the October 7 attack on the southern region of Palestine.

PPS affirms efforts that continue to be made with several Palestinian rights organizations and other organizations within the occupied territories, in order to find out their whereabouts and seek visits, which are carried out under strict restrictions and obstacles.

The total number of Palestinians detained after October 7 has so far increased to around 9,490, including those detained in their homes and military checkpoints, and those forced to surrender under pressure.

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