The Tanjungpinang Police, Riau Islands (Kepri) has named a member of the Bintan Police with the initials A and his wife as suspects in the alleged criminal case of trafficking in persons (TPPO).

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Tanjungpinang Police, AKP Agung Tri Poerbowo, said that previously the husband and wife were secured by their ranks in the local area, Wednesday (18/12), based on reports of alleged TIP cases.

"Based on the results of the police investigation, both of them were named suspects and have been detained to undergo further legal proceedings," said AKP Agung as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, December 27.

Agung said that from the results of the investigation by investigators, person A and his wife acted as collectors of an illegal PMI in their homes before leaving for the destination country, Malaysia.

Both are also suspected of having received a sum of money from the illegal PMI candidate concerned for the purpose of processing documents and departures abroad.

"But the PMI candidate has not been dispatched, until finally reporting this incident to the police," he said.

Agung continued that his party had not been able to elaborate further on the TIP network involving the police officer with the initials A, because it was still under further investigation.

The Tanjungpinang Police continue to develop this case and it is possible that there will be new suspects in the same case.

"So far we have only named two TIP suspects," he said.

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