JAKARTA - The Trans Papua road for the Jayapura-Wamena segment of the Mamberamo-Elelim segment will soon be built.

With a total length of 50 kilometers (km), the toll road construction investment costs reached IDR 3.3 trillion.

The construction of this road was marked by the signing of a Government Cooperation Agreement with Business Entity (PPP) between the government and the implementing business entity (BUP), namely PT Hutama Mambelim Trans Papua (HMTP) at the Ministry of PUPR.

BUP is a consortium of PT Hutama Karya (Persero) and PT Hutama Karya Infrastruktur (HKI) which previously won the project auction.

Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono expressed his gratitude for this signing because the project that was aspired to since President Suharto was able to materialize immediately.

"I am sure that with the presence of this PPP project, God willing, it will realize prosperity in the Papua and Papua regions of the Mountains. It is hoped that it can reduce logistics prices there," Basuki said in a written statement, Wednesday, July 3.

The signing of this cooperation is for four agreements at once, namely the Guarantee Agreement by the President Director of PII with the President Director of HMTP as well as the KPBU Agreement and the Infrastructure Provision Cooperation Agreement (KSPI) by the Director General of Highways with the President Director of HMTP.

On the same occasion, the signing of the Regres Agreement between the Minister of PUPR and the President Director of PT PII was also carried out.

On the same occasion, HMTP President Director Dadi Suprapto said, Jalan Trans Papua Jayapura-Wamena section is the main logistics transportation road that connects three provinces and eight districts in the Papua Mountains area.

"The Mamberamo-Elelim segment itself is the third segment of the Jayapura-Wamena section located in Yalimo Regency, Papua Province, Mountains and stretches for 50.14 km from Km 366+90 to Km 416+830," he said.

The KPBU project was initiated by the Ministry of PUPR (solicited), in which the Hutama Karya and HKI Consortium was declared the winner of the auction and formed the HMTP which acted as the BUP.

Dadi revealed that the scope of work to be carried out by HMTP includes Design, Build, Finance, Operate, Maintenance and Transfer (DBFORMT) with a concession period of 15 years consisting of a construction period of two years, maintenance and service operation period of 13 years.

"HMTP targets the completion of the construction of the Trans Papua Road for the Jayapura-Wamena Segment of Mamberamo-Elelim in the Papua Province of the Mountains in accordance with the provisions of the agreement with the best quality," he added.

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