JAKARTA - Member of the House of Representatives from the PDIP faction Masinton Pasaribu responded to his reporting to the House of Representatives Honorary Court (MKD) by the Archipelago Circle Advocate (LIISAN).

Masinton was surprised that he was reported for alleged violations of the code of ethics for proposing the right of inquiry to the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the decision regarding the age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates in the DPR plenary meeting. The PDIP legislator for the DKI Jakarta electoral district also considered that the report was wrong.

"The address is wrong," Masinton told reporters, Friday, November 3.

According to Masinton, members of the DPR are guaranteed their constitutional rights to express opinions, including applying for the right of inquiry. This, he said, is regulated in Article 20A of the 1945 Constitution concerning the functions and rights of the DPR.

"The right of interpellation, the right of inquiry and the right to express opinions is the constitutional right of the DPR RI whose procedure is proposed by members of the DPR RI," said Masinton.

Previously, Advocate Lingkar Nusantara (LIISAN) reported Member of the House of Representatives from the PDIP faction Masinton Pasaribu to the House of Representatives Honorary Court (MKD) on suspicion of ethical violations related to his remarks which were deemed to have caused a stir during the interruption at the plenary meeting on Tuesday, October 31.

Masinton Pasaribu proposed the right of inquiry to the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the decision regarding the minimum age limit for vice presidential candidates.

Anggota Advokat LISAN, Syahrizal Fahlevy menganggap Masinton Pasaribu telah melenggar MK dengan mengajukan hak anggaket terhadap lembaga judiktif.

Because according to him, in the MD3 Law, the right of inquiry is the right of the DPR to conduct an investigation into the implementation or policies of the government relating to strategic important matters and to have a broad impact on the lives of the people of the nation and state who are suspected of being contrary to the law.

"The proposal is harassment against the Constitutional Court, which is part of an independent judicial institution and a form of arbitrariness rather than the honorable Masinton Pasaribu due to the Constitutional Court as a judicial institution so that it is not an object of the right to inquiry itself," said Syahrizal at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Friday, November 3.

Syahrizal emphasized that the Constitutional Court's decision was final and binding on any party's intervention, including the DPR.

"Therefore, we report Masinton Pasaribu, whose job is for members of the DPR to maintain the honor of the DPR itself," said Syahrizal.

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