Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto did not talk much about President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) 'tawa' when asked by PDIP he felt abandoned after giving him and his family privilege.

This moment occurred when President Jokowi received questions from journalists when giving a press statement after visiting Pasar Bulan, Gianyar, Bali, Tuesday, October 31. Hasto with a small laugh responded to this attitude.

"Yes, good, the president can laugh," he told reporters at the High End Building, Jakarta, Wednesday, November 1.

At that time, President Jokowi seemed to smile and did not speak when asked about the PDIP statement that felt left behind. He admitted that he did not want to comment further.

"I don't want to comment," Jokowi told reporters, Tuesday, October 31.

Previously, a number of PDIP elites expressed their disappointment after President Jokowi took a political stance that was considered different. This disappointment began when his son, who is also the mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, ran as a vice presidential candidate (cawapres) accompanying Prabowo Subianto in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres).

One of those who spoke out loud about the disappointment was PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto. In his press statement, he said his party had provided privilege but was later abandoned.

"We love and give huge privileges to President Jokowi and his family, but we are abandoned because there are other requests that have the potential to violate the good and constitutional institutions," he said in a written statement quoted on Monday, October 30.

Initially, PDIP believed that Jokowi and his family would not carry out political maneuvers against the party that raised him. However, this concern actually occurred after the party bearing the bull symbol worked hard to win it in five regional elections and two presidential elections.

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