The BOGOR - Forensic Laboratory Center (Puslabfor) of the National Police Headquarters revealed the cause of the Leuwiliang Market fire, Bogor Regency, West Java, which occurred on Wednesday (27/9) night, purely due to an electrical short circuit.
Head of the Bogor Police Criminal Investigation Unit, AKP Teguh Kumara, said that the results of the investigation by Puslabfor also did not find flammable substances at the starting point of the cause of the fire, such as gasoline or others.
Puslabfor Polri stated that the fire that scorched thousands of traders was due to an electrical short circuit.
"Yes, purely the results of the Puslabfor Polri are electrical short circuits. That can happen because there may be empty traders because the heat continues to explode," Teguh said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, October 31.
He explained that the electrical short occurred at the first point which caused a fire, namely at the merchant stall numbered 56 and 57 Jayanti stores at Leuwiliang Market.
"Nothing, from the results in the kiosk building, there was no fuel content of gas and oil such as gasoline, diesel and kerosene," he said.
The fire incident of thousands of food, fruit and clothing traders in Leuwiliang Market was reported to have occurred from Wednesday (27/9) at around 20.00 WIB to Thursday at 13.00 WIB.
Based on data from the Department of Trade and Industry (Disdagin) of Bogor Regency, of the 590 kiosks in Leuwiliang Market, 550 kiosks were burned down. Then, from the loss of 641 stalls, 580 stalls of which were also burned.
Not only that, the fire incident which lasted more than 12 hours also scorched 450 stalls and 35 stalls of street vendors (PKL).
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