JAKARTA - Candidate for vice president (cawapres) Ganjar Pranowo, Mahfud MD highlighted three legal problems in the country. Among them, law enforcement officers who are damaged.

This was conveyed by Mahfud while attending the Meet and Greet event with the presidential candidate (candidate) Ganjar Pranowo, Monday, October 23. This event was attended by artists such as Butet Kertaredjasa to Cak Lontong and young people.

"In our place, law enforcement officers are damaged. There are law enforcement officers, prosecutors, judges, police, lawyers. Well, there are frequent mafias here, corruption often occurs," said Mahfud in the Blok M area, Jakarta.

Not only the apparatus, but the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) also mentioned that fraudulent practices also occur in all levels including government. One of them is in the ministry.

"You can see now, the problem of violating the law and corruption, collusion occurs in all layers. In the Ministry of Education and Culture there are, in the Ministry of Social Affairs there are, in the Ministry of Agriculture there are all of them there are dark transaction processes for permits, determination of projects, and so on," he said.

"It all comes back to the executor. The apparatus and bureaucracy," continued Mahfud.

Therefore, in the future there must be certainty of licensing. Mahfud said, the law must not be blunt upwards but pointed downwards.

Karena yang sering terjadi itu, misalnya saya memberikan izin investasi kepada Cak Lontong. Sudah dapat, Cak Lontong masih bekerja begitu, lalu ada yang datang, misalnya Denny datang, diberikan lagi di tempat yang sama. Sehingga nanti datang lagi yang lainnya, diberikan lagi, jelasnya.

"So it overlapped, then there was chaos. There was massive corruption. Then the law was blunt, because it supported strong people who had capital, then involved the authorities, regarding officials who made decisions.... Well, here we have to regulate, "he concluded.

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