TOBOALI - The South Bangka Regency Government (Pemkab), Bangka Belitung Islands Province, is providing assistance to children who are victims of immorality or harassment. So that they again have hope and a bright future.

"I ask that victims of immorality, especially children, receive appropriate assistance to restore their mental health," said South Bangka Regent Riza Herdavid in Toboali, on Saturday.

The Regent said this was in response to several immoral cases that occurred recently where the victims were mostly minors.

"The Regent also ordered his staff and all related agencies to make efforts so that victims receive appropriate assistance, especially the Social Services," he said.

David also asked several related agencies such as Satpol PP, sub-district authorities, and neighborhoods to make preventive efforts to prevent immoral cases.

"To the Satpol PP to immediately increase patrols in public spaces, especially for school-aged teenagers at certain times," he said.

He also asked the South Bangka Education Office to take steps so that school-aged children do not wander around and hang out in public areas after 21.00 WIB.

"Local officials, such as the village head, neighborhoods, should also be asked to increase supervision of their residents more frequently," he said as reported by ANTARA.

Head of the South Bangka Social, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service, Haris Setiawan, said that he had approached victims of immorality or harassment by bringing in a psychiatrist.

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