JAKARTA - The general chairman of the Golkar Party DPP, Airlangga Hartarto, said that the candidate for president who was called President Joko Widodo was not present at the Projo National Working Meeting was very clear. "Yes, I think it's a statement that doesn't need to be clarified anymore. So, it's very clear and the following agenda has been invited by Ketum Projo," said Airlangga after attending the Projo National Working Meeting at the Indonesia Arena, Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta, Saturday, October 14. Airlangga said that when asked if the figure in question was Prabowo Subianto. Previously, when delivering his remarks at the VI Projo National Working Meeting, President Jokowi asked the volunteers not to urge him to mention the name of the presidential candidate who would be supported in the 2024 presidential election. Jokowi also said that the figure he was not present at the National Conference. "Yes, be patient, be patient. So, don't urge me to say who because the person is also not here," said Jokowi.

Pernyataan Jokowi itu menimbulkan pertanyaan sebab tiga tokoh yang belakangan disebut sebagai bakal capres 2024, yakni Anies Baswedan, Ganjar Pranowo, dan Prabowo Subianto memang tidak hadir pada rakernas itu.Namun,Airlangga Hartarto menyatakan siapa yang dimaksud Jokowi sudah sangat jelas sebab Jokowi berbicara dalam forum Rakernas Projo.Airlangga menyatakan bahwa sosok cawapres yang didukung Golkar bersama partai-partai yang tergabung dalam Koalisi Indonesia Maju akan segera diputuskan.Mengenai apakah nama Gibran Rakabuming Raka masih masuk daftar bakal cawapres yang akan diusung Koalisi Indonesia Maju, Airlangga menyatakan, "kemarin kan sudah diumumkan bahwa (salah satu nama dari) Provinsi Jawa Tengah, ada di dalam sana kan."

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