JAKARTA In order to facilitate access to the medical needs of residents, especially in an emergency situation, the West Jakarta Transportation Agency conducted a traffic engineering trial around Cengkareng Hospital, West Jakarta. The trial will begin on October 23, 2023.
Technically, the traffic engineering trial was carried out following the Cengkareng Hospital which changed the main gate to the east side. This is in order to improve the quality of health services to the community in the form of fast access to health facilities.
"So the latest developments are directed by the Sub-Department of Public Housing and Settlement Areas as well as from the Development Economic Assistant (Ekbang) to open a housing portal that is included in the engineering concept," said Head of the Traffic and Road Transportation Section of the West Jakarta Transportation Sub-dept. (Sudinhub) Indarto, Antara, Friday, October 13.
"The engineering will continue to be carried out, such as closing at the intersection (north of the RSUD). The north side of the intersection of Jalan 4 Jembatan will be installed "barriers" (limitors) and the north side of Jalan Bumi Cengkareng Indah from the JB Market direction to Pasadena will be applied one direction east. Then, the north side of Jalan Galunggung from Pedongkelan towards the RSUD will be applied one direction to the west. "Then the east side follows the plan for the main gate of Cengkareng Hospital, Pangrango Street, applied one direction from the south," explained Indarto.
It was also stated that the socialization had been carried out at the village level on Thursday, October 12. On Monday, October 16, socialization will be continued with the installation of banners regarding traffic engineering to be carried out.
"Then the traffic engineering test will be carried out on October 23, 2023," he said.
Indarto added that the evaluation of the traffic engineering trial will be carried out continuously by taking into account the dynamics of conditions in the field and paying attention to all public interests.
In carrying out the socialization and traffic engineering trials, Indarto asked related parties to be present in the field to expedite the implementation.
"We ask cross-sectors related to be present at the location. Such as officers from the Sub-dept., Satpol PP, Cengkareng Police and several other parties to place officers in the field to expedite traffic engineering trials," he concluded.
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