JABAR - The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of West Java (Jabar) has added a quota of disposing of waste for four regencies and cities in Greater Bandung to the Sarimukti Final Disposal Site (TPA).

Head of the West Java Environment Agency (DLH) Prima Mayaningtias said the quota in effect as of September 12, 2023 was still 31 thousand tons of waste, and until October 4 there were still quotas left, except for Bandung Regency, which in the last position the quota had run out and even exceeded what was agreed upon.

"So based on the waste emergency handling coordination meeting attended by members of the task force led by Acting West Java Regional Secretary Taufiq Budi Santoso on Wednesday (4 October), it was agreed that the addition of quotas and Task Forces today had arranged," said Prima in Bandung, West Java, Thursday 5 October, confiscated by Antara.

On Thursday, October 5, Prima said, the Task Force arranged 0.28 hectares of land to accommodate new waste consisting of 1,167 ritace (the number of fleet achievements in the delivery of materials from location A to location B) for four areas in Greater Bandung.

With the addition of the quota, the quota for the city of Bandung is 1,194 ritase, consisting of 817 additional ritace and 377 remaining ritase.

The city of Cimahi, the remaining quota of 185 ritase plus 105 ritace, has a total of 290 ritace. For West Bandung Regency, there are 59 ritase remaining, plus 91 ritace, bringing the total to 150 ritace again.

"For Bandung Regency, an additional 154 ritace quota was given, but because previously it had exceeded the nine ritace limit, the additional quota was reduced to pay the debt, bringing the total to 145 ritace," he said.

Prima explained that the amount of ritase was calculated based on the average volume of garbage trucks of 12 cubic meters with a density of garbage in trucks weighing 0.35 tons per cubic meter.

So that during the emergency period the truck allowed to enter the Sarimukti TPA is a truck with a maximum capacity of 12 cubic meters.

"Each district and city are expected to be able to simulate or plan for daily waste delivery by taking into account the maximum amount of waste that can be thrown into the emergency zone," said Prima.

During the operation of the Sarimukti TPA emergency zone, Prima said again, operating hours are limited from 08.00-16.00 WIB every day.

"Given the limited volume of the emergency zone, the Environment Agency will carry out regular monitoring and reported to each district and city to be guided," he concluded.

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