Acting Governor of Gorontalo Ismail Pakaya is ready to facilitate the demands of miners in Pohuwato Regency, Gorontalo Province regarding the compassion rope that will be given by the local mining company.
The issue of the miners' demands was one of the triggers for the demonstration which ended in chaos and caused the regent's office to be burned down, the DPRD office and the regent's office were damaged on Thursday (21/9).
"We have to talk to investors or companies, when there is an agreement, of course we will tell the media," said Ismail Pakaya, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, September 26.
Ismail asked for time, so that the government can mediate, have a dialogue regarding the aspirations of miners with the company.
The issue of compassion or land compensation demanded by the people's miners on land controlled by PT Puncak Emas Tani Sejahtera (PETS) has been going on for quite a long time.
The two parties have not yet found an agreement regarding land acquisition prices. It is known that there are around 2,000 mining proposals that enter the company with a value of hundreds of millions to billions of rupiah.
During the demonstration on Thursday (21/9), the payment of the love rope was ongoing but with a value that had not been considered appropriate. There are residents who get Rp. 1.5 million to Rp. 3 million.
Chairman of the DPRD Pohuwato Nasir Giasi said his party had tried to mediate.
"We, the Pohuwato government, have tried to mediate. Even if we can get this compassion, we will pay it in the APBD. Let us fast to build infrastructure, fast for official travel and others, but we can't," he said.
Former Regent Pohuwato Syarif Mbuinga offered another solution. He asked the government to encourage the opening of the People's Mining Area (WPR) and the People's Mining Permit (IPR).
"So the solution is where has the WPR arrived? How are the steps to present the IPR? This is important," said Syarief.
He said the demonstration that ended in chaos was not a self-standing partial issue, but the peak of various mining problems. He hopes that the provincial government can do revolutionary things so that this problem does not drag on.
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