JAKARTA The Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Human Rights (Kemenkopolhukam) is investigating allegations of the land mafia that befell Mail Bin Saijan's heirs, Munaroh (62). This is because the process of registering his land certificate, which is located on Jalan Daan Mogot Number 170, RT 10/01, North Kedoya Village, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, has stalled at BPN West Jakarta for eight years.

The head of the Extortion Task Force at the Ministry of Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Brigadier General Pujo Laksono Tengah, is looking for a bright spot on the alleged land mafia that befell Munaroh. A number of parties involved will be summoned for clarification regarding their evidence.

"We will summon all ten parties for questioning starting this week," said Brigadier General Pujo when confirmed, Tuesday, September 12.

Ten parties were questioned, such as the Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Revenue Agency, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Regional Office for the period 2019, Jaya, the Head of the West Jakarta BPN for the period 2019, Nandang Agus Taruna, the Head of the West Jakarta BPN Office for the period 2022, Sri Pranoto, the Head of the West Jakarta BPN Office for the period 2023, Agus Setiadi, the former Lurah Duri Kepa, Muhamad Dong and Latief, the Secretary of Duri Kepa Village in 2012, Wardi, Edy Moelyo (B. Wilasantana Lawfirm), the liaison between Munaroh and B. Wilasana Lawfirm, Andi Widjaja, Lawyer Eka Indra & Partner, Budung Budi Djaelani, and PT. BCS (Bitang Cemerlang Suksindo).

"We cannot confirm the truth of the case. Because to prove that, we plan to summon all parties, starting from disputed parties to government and private agencies," he said.

Meanwhile, Munaroh welcomed the efforts of the Ministry of Political, Legal and Security Affairs who wanted to try to prove legal justice in the country. Moreover, the cases he has experienced have been ignored for years.

"I am grateful for this attention. Finally there is a bright spot on my problem," he said.

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