JAKARTA - India's longest non-stop passenger train route lost its title, along with the start of additional stops to accommodate the needs of the community.
India's longest non-stop train route was previously held by the Vadodara connection to the city which is served by the Thiruvanantham Rajdhani Express Train. This 528-kilometer relationship was reached within six hours and 45 minutes.
For the first time on Saturday, the Thiruvanantham Rajdhani Express train, which serves routes from New Delhi and heads to the capital Kerala, will stop at Ratlam, 258 km from Vadodara, Gujarat, reported The National News September 2.
Indian media outlet OnManorama reported that this dismissal aims to provide services for passengers from Kerala, Karnataka, Goa, Maharashtra. As well as for those traveling between Ratlam and New Delhi.
However, the dismissal also left the connection missing record and moved to the Mumbai Tejas-Rajdhani Express Train linking New Delhi to the City.
The train was traveling non-stop for 5 hours 10 minutes to serve the relationship as far as 465 kilometers.
It is known, referring to Guinness World Records, the longest non-stop train journey ever recorded covered a distance of 1.421 km from London to Cannes in May 2006.
Bukan perjalanan biasa, karena Kereta Eurostar yang digunakan dalam perjalanan tersebut bagian dari layanan khusus untuk mempromosikan film berjualan Tom Hanks, 'The Da fire Code'.
Meanwhile, the longest train journey in the world known to belong to Trans-Siberia. The train covered a distance of 9,290 km, past 87 cities and 876 stations on its seven-day journey. The train also crossed two continents and eight time zones.
With all Trans-Siberia departures halted due to the Russian-Ukraine war, The Canadian train travel for now holds the title of train at its furthest distance, from Toronto to Vancouver for 4,466 km within four nights.
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