JAKARTA - The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) recommends surveillance cameras aka CCTV) in all State Police Schools (SPN) following the death of SPN Kemiling student, Lampung.

"We recommend installing CCTV in all SPN as a form of supervision of student education and caregivers," said Kompolnas Member Poengky Indarti when confirmed in Jakarta, Friday.

Poengky explained that CCTV needs to be installed at certain points, such as places to study and teach, fields, classrooms, teaching rooms, and student dormitories.

Meanwhile, regarding the incident of the death of a SPN Kemiling student named Advent Pratama Telaumbauna, Kompolnas noted that the number of CCTV in the school was limited; so it could not reach the movement of students and teachers in monitoring the incident.

"The CCTV needs to be installed at the points where teaching and learning are studied," said Poengky.

Kompolnas went directly to the Lampung Regional Police to oversee the investigation into the incident of the death of a SPN Kemiling student.

In uploads on social media Kompolnas, Wednesday (23/8), the Daily Chairperson of Kompolnas Benny Mamoto and Poengky Indarti attended the Lampung Police Chief Inspector General Pol. Helmy Santika when delivering the handling of the SPN student's death incident.

Dalam pengawasan tersebut, Kompolnas mendapat paparan dari kepala Bidang Propam dan Dirkrimum Polda Lampung terkait kejadian meninggalnya Advent Pramata.

Kompolnas received information that Propam examined 47 people and Ditreskrimum examined 49 people related to the incident. In addition, an investigation of the crime scene (TKP) was carried out and the case reconstruction was carried out.

The investigation and deepening of the death of SPN Lampung students is also supported by scientific crime investigations or scientific crime investigations. Currently, investigators are still waiting for the autopsy results from Adam Malik Hospital Lampung to find out the cause of the SPN student's death.

Previously, Helmy Santika invited external parties to participate in the death of SPN Kemiling students on behalf of Advent Pratama Telaumbauna so that the handling of the incident was carried out in a professional, objective, comprehensive, accountable, and transparent manner.

"External parties, such as Kompolnas, the Indonesian Ombudsman, the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI), and the Indonesian Forensic Doctors Association (PDFI), can participate and we invite them to be involved in this incident so that the results are objective", said Helmy.Advent Pratama Telaumbauna died allegedly due to fatigue after attending a lunch at the SPN Kemiling Field, Lampung Police, while attending the Police officer's education.

Advent is suspected of experiencing fatigue and had fallen unconscious while still in line. The adventurer had also received first aid and was taken to the hospital before being declared dead.

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