JAKARTA - The presidential candidate from the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto, said to the volunteers that he did not have negative sentiment with two rivals, namely Ganjar Pranowo and Anies Baswedan.
Prabowo wants to compete in the political contestation towards the 2024 General Election with an idea that will be carried out if he is elected as president. This was conveyed by Prabowo when he met volunteers at the Prabowo Winning Volunteer House on Jalan Imam Bonjol Number 25, Menteng, Central Jakarta.
"Pak Ganjar is my friend, Anies Baswedan is my friend, we are competing with the idea of a program battle and competing to defend the people," said Prabowo, Tuesday, August 15.
Prabowo emphasized that currently Indonesia is the country with the 16th largest economic condition in the world. It is targeted, in the vision of Indonesia Gold 2045, the government wants to make the country the country with the fourth largest economic power.
The Minister of Defense realized that if you want the vision of Indonesia Gold to be realized, all elements of society must unite. That is why, according to Prabowo, President Joko Widodo invited him to take part in the government after losing the 2019 election.
"This has been shown by Pak Joko Widodo. In 2019, he invited me to be together for the sake of the nation and state, for the benefit of the Indonesian people," said Prabowo.
"I declare that I am ready to join him (Jokowi). I do not regret my decision at all, I believe my decision is correct," he continued.
Today, Prabowo inaugurated his volunteer house. Arriving at the location, Prabowo was greeted by Deputy Chairman of the Gerindra Party Board of Trustees Hashim Djojohadikusumo, Deputy Chairman of the Gerindra Board of Trustees Mohammad Iriawan (Iwan Bule).
Also present were DPD Gerindra DKI Chairman Ahmad Riza Patria, Gerindra politician Dedi Mulyadi, and Prabowo Mania Volunteer Chair 08 Immanuel Ebenezer alias Noel.
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