JAKARTA - A number of archaeologists working at the 2,000-year-old Roman cemetery discovered in Gaza last year, found at least 125 graves, mostly with the majority of the skeleton still intact, as well as two rare tin sarkofags, the Palestinian Ministry of Antiquities said.

"This is the first time in Palestine we have found a funeral that has 125 graves, and this is the first time in Gaza we have found two tin-made sarkophagus," Fadel Al-A'utul, an expert at the French School of Bible Research and Archaeology, told Reuters on the site., as quoted August 10.

"One of the two sarkophagus is decorated with a picture of wine and the other with a dolphin," said A'utul.

"We need funds to preserve this archaeological site so that history does not sink," he added.

A'utul said he hoped the site would be a tourist destination, with a museum to showcase the findings.

At least 25 engineers and technicians were involved in digging, cleaning up dirt and preserved the skeleton despite the very hot weather. They also put together clay jars found in several graves.

"This has never happened before," said Jamal Abu Reida, Director General of the Ministry of Antiquities of Gaza.

"This deepens Palestinian roots on this land and shows that they have existed for thousands of years," he said.

The Palestinian territories are known to be important trade posts for the civilizations that existed since ancient Egypt and their ancestors were depicted in the Bible, to the Roman empire and the Cross War.

In the past, local archaeologists buried the findings due to lack of funds. However, the French organization has helped dig the site, which was discovered in February last year by construction crews working on an Egyptian-funded housing project.

Gaza itself has been under an Israeli-Egyptian economic blockade since 2007, when the Islamist militant group Hamas, which opposes peace with Israel, took control. Since then, 2.3 million Palestinians living in this narrow coastal area have experienced several wars.

Peace negotiations brokered by the United States, aimed at establishing a Palestinian state in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem, failed in 2014 and showed no signs of recovery.

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