Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD asked PT Bali Tower to take a humane and family approach to Sultan Ri'fat Alfatih (20), a victim of fiber optic cables and his family.

"PT Bali Tower, in my opinion, needs to take a more humane, family approach, not talking too much about the formality of money, legal formality, justice, and so on, that's later," Mahfud said after visiting the Sultan at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, East Jakarta, reported by ANTARA, Friday, August 4.

Mahfud said that the Sultan's family wanted PT Bali Tower to speak well regarding the Sultan's tragedy, which is now difficult to talk and eat, instead of blaming him.

"Finish it well, don't blame it, how come you just reported it to the police, for example. So far, you have not had time to report it and so on, but that fact exists," said the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK).

According to him, mediation is the best way for both parties to take.

"If the law is the best, starting with mediation, solve it with mediation, both parties meet. Then what do you want and how, that's number one," he said.

If you take legal action, he said, the conflict cannot be resolved properly, so the judiciary must intervene.

"But that's later, yes, the important thing is first, number one is recovered, the two parties who are in charge of picking, Bali Tower, to take a more 'Indonesiawi' and humane approach," Mahfud emphasized.

Referring to the statement of the team of doctors at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital who handled the treatment, Mahfud said that Sultan's condition had now gradually improved compared to before.

"It's getting better. I communicate via cellphone. Hopefully all of our prayers he still has the spirit to continue to study and return to campus," he said.

The accident started when the Sultan was about to go with his friends on a motorbike.

However, when crossing the South Jakarta area, precisely on Jalan Raya Antasari, the incident occurred.

The incident took place at around 22.00 WIB on January 5, 2023. Initially there was a car lining up in front of the Sultan's motorbike.

Without realizing it, there was a cable that stretched or loosened. Then the cable was caught in the sports car (SUV).

Even though he was caught in an SUV, the cable did not break and turned to the original direction right when the Sultan passed.

As a result, the Sultan immediately fell due to a cable that hit his neck. Until he had to be taken to Fatmawati Hospital, South Jakarta to get first aid.

As a result of the accident, the Sultan suffered bleeding in his throat and lungs was also submerged in water so he had to receive intensive care at the hospital.

The incident also caused the victim's throat to break so that until now he had to use a hose to eat and drink.

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