The Figure Of Ganjar Pranowo, A Young Leader Who Is Committed To Continue Development, Gets Hary Tanoe's Support From Perindo
Ganjar Pranowo who was accompanied by Megawati Soekarno Putri, Puan Maharani and Prananda Prabowo met with Hary Tanoesoedibjo who was accompanied by Mr. Guru Bajang. (IST)

JAKARTA - The figure of Ganjar Pranowo was acknowledged by the Chairman of the Perindo Party, Hary Tanoesoedibjo, as his party's magnet in collaborating with PDIP. Ganjar is said to be a young leader who has a strong commitment to continuing development.

"There are three reasons why we decided to cooperate with PDIP. One of them is because the figure of Ganjar Pranowo, who is well known by the community, is young, and most importantly, has a strong commitment to continuing development that has been good," said Hary Tanoe after the gathering and cooperation between PDIP and Perindo at the PDIP DPP Office, Jl Diponegoro, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Friday 9 June.

Hary Tanoe emphasized that continuity in building a country is very important. In addition, he also appreciated the programs that have been carried out by President Joko Widodo which are very beneficial to the people.

"In addition, we joined the PDIP because this party is the most prepared at this time, as the only party that meets the parliamentary threshold. This provides certainty for us to start the struggle. In addition, our philosophy and ideology are also the same, namely fighting for the welfare of the people," he explained.

Hary Tanoe explained that previously he also established an approach with Prabowo Subianto and Airlangga Hartarto. However, after going through careful consideration, he is determined to cooperate with PDIP.

"And today, we officially signed a political cooperation agreement between PDIP and Perindo," he added.

Meanwhile, Ganjar Pranowo, a presidential candidate from PDIP, welcomed Perindo's closeness to PDIP. According to him, this will provide positive energy in the struggle to win the contest.

"Of course, I thank you. This is part of the collaboration that makes our energy even more, and our struggle will be stronger and God willing, it will be easier," he said.

Ganjar also said that in the meeting many things were discussed. Substantially, the current work program must be completed and continued in accordance with what has been done by President Jokowi.

"In fact, it must be accelerated. We are reminded of the importance of utilizing demographic bonuses well. Economic progress must run and be fast to achieve economic independence, and we must hold a crash program in human resource development," he explained.

Ganjar explained that it was important not only to win in the presidential and legislative elections, but also to strengthen parliament. This will support the programs that have been carried out by the government.

"Hopefully Perindo, with extraordinary movements at this time, can qualify for parliament. So that it can strengthen its cooperation position and make everything run smoothly," he said.

Ganjar hopes that Perindo, with its good media background, can spread good programs and information to remote villages.

"So that everyone can receive good information as a reference to determine their choice," he concluded.

In the event, PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri, Puan Maharani, Prananda Prabowo, Hasto Kristyanto, and other PDIP officials were present. Meanwhile, from the Perindo Party, the general chairman, Hary Tanoesoedibjo, the Daily Chair of Tuan Guru Bajang, the Secretary General of Perindo Ahmad Rofiq, and other high-ranking Perindo officials were present.

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