The Bali Regional Police's Special Criminal Investigation Directorate said three female celebrities and a dealer shared roles in controlling online gambling through the Facebook Facebook from a studio in Badung, Bali.
Deputy Director of Criminal Investigation of the Bali Police AKBP Ranefli Dian Candra said three celebrities who were arrested on Wednesday, April 31, 2023, each with the initials FL (30), JIS (22), and GPL (29), as well as a man who acts as a dealer and coordinator with the initials GPP (28).
"We have arrested these four suspects with different roles and duties. These three women served as guest streamers or talents recruited by the GPP suspect as coordinator," said Ranefli when releasing the disclosure of an online gambling case reported by ANTARA, Thursday, June 1.
With followers reaching thousands of people, the three female celebrities who live in the Badung area, Bali, are able to attract players or customers to make profits of tens to hundreds of millions of rupiah every month.
Ranefli said the three female celebrities worked three times a week using their respective Facebooks in a studio that had been rented out by the GPP suspect.
"The promotion was opened by three talents using masks to cover their identity. They have an account to promote online gambling, but theserver is one. These three talents are tasked with recruiting customers or players," said the former Tabanan Police Chief.
Ranefli explained that in every live broadcast activity, the three celebrities wore sexy clothes, bikinis and covered their faces with masks. Meanwhile, the GPP is the coordinator and has purchased an online gambling site "slot" which has cross-border networks centered in Cambodia.
He is tasked with providing various equipment and directing the three suspects of the celebgram. The GPP rented a place in the Abianbase area, Badung, equipped with various equipment to support the work of the three celebrities in attracting customers.
Ranefli said the actions of the four suspects had been taking place since the beginning of 2022. The three celebrities who act as streamers get a salary of IDR 10 million every month.
Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations of the Bali Police, Kombes Stefanus Satake Bayu Setianto, added that the disclosure of the online gambling case began with a cyber patrol conducted by the Cyber Team of the Bali Police Special Criminal Investigation Directorate against an account suspected of being a medium for promoting online gambling, a type of slot.
"The Ditreskrimsus Cyber Team carried out patrols, then found that there were Facebook fanpage accounts that carried out live streaming promoting gambling," he said.
Currently, the four suspects are detained in the Bali Police detention room and are threatened with criminal charges as stipulated in Article 45 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 27 paragraph (2) of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) to 1 of the Criminal Code with a maximum penalty of six years in prison and a fine of Rp. 1 billion.
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