JAKARTA - The scientist and researcher succeeded in making history as the first Arab woman to reach the International Space Station (ISS), when she and an Arab male astronaut managed to reach orbit, joining astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi from the United Arab Emirates on Monday.

The woman named Rayynah Barnawi, a research scientist, who along with Ali Al Qarni, a fighter pilot, has arrived at the station for an eight-day science mission.

They became the first Saudi Arabian nationals in space since 1985, when the kingdom sent Prince Sultan bin Salman with NASA's Space Shuttle for a week-long journey.

The SpaceX Dragon capsule, which brought the two together with two US astronauts, cost Whitson and Jeff Shoffner, successfully landed in the science laboratory at 17.12 GST, as part of the Axiom 2 mission.

"Hello from space," Barnawi said earlier the day while sailing with the SpaceX Dragon Capsule, reported The National News May 23.

"You can't believe it, why don't you listen to it.. Let's take care of it, let's take care of it.. Let's take care of it, let's take care of it, let's take care of it.. Let's take care of it.. Let's take care of it. Let's take care of it

"It feels great to see the Earth from this capsule. We are here feeling a microgravity," he said.

Barnawi's success (33) brought her into the record book as the first Arab woman to carry out a space mission.

He gave a tear speech during the welcoming ceremony on the ISS, where he said he was proud to represent his country.

"I represent the hopes and dreams of everyone in their hometown and in this area. I am very happy to be here. I am also very happy to have received extensive training for coaches who have trained astronauts before," said Barnawi.

"I will enjoy this experience optimally," he said.

Barnawi itself has a decade-long experience in cancer stem cell research, with one of its experiments on the ISS to focus on the field.

We extend our secret wishes to the Saudi Space Commission and astronauts Rayynah Barnawi and Ali Alqarni, who will launch to the International Space Station as part of the Ax-2 crew. pic.twitter.com/zv4mfIkxB4

He will study the inflammatory response of human immune cells in microgravity. This will help investigate mRNA changes in genetic ingredients that tell the body how to make proteins.

The experiment has been sent by the King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center.

Meanwhile, Al Qarni will also play an important role in the mission, including taking part in several experiments assigned to him by Saudi Arabian researchers.

One of them includes testing various techniques in the reaction room of cloud seeding. This can help scientists in the kingdom discover new ways to conduct cloud seeding experiments to increase rainfall levels in certain areas.

"It is an honor and a privilege to be here. I am very happy to be working with all of you," said Al Qarni.

"Thank you to the Saudis for this mission not only for Rayynah and me, this is for all of you," he continued.

It is known, this is the first human space flight under the new astronaut program of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, announced last year.

Saudi Arabia did not create a long-term exploration program, when the Sultan Prince returned from space nearly 40 years ago.

Now, they are joining global space exploration efforts, including plans to send Saudi Arabian astronauts on long-term space missions, including to the Moon and Mars.

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