JAKARTA - The government through the Team for the Acceleration of the Establishment of the Household Protection Law (UU PPRT) proposed 367 List of Problem Inventory (DIM) which, among other things, regulates the rights and obligations of household workers.

The Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah explained that the DIM proposal would be signed and immediately submitted to the DPR for further discussion.

"We just held a coordination meeting. We will sign to immediately send this DIM proposal from the government to the DPR," said the Minister of Manpower after the Coordination Meeting for the acceleration of the PPRT Law in Jakarta, Monday, May 15, was confiscated by Antara.

The Minister of Manpower detailed that there are nine chapters in the DIM that have been prepared by the government, namely in the first chapter it contains general provisions that cover household work, agreements, work agreements with household workers.

Bab kedua mengatur azas dan tujuan pekerjaan yang memberikan perlindungan pekerja rumah tangga dalam mencegah segala bentuk kekerasan bagi PRT.

Chapter three regulates recruitment and the scope of homework, as well as requirements for prospective household workers.

"This also accommodates the sociological conditions of our society where household workers are directly recruited and there is also an indirect recruitment model. I think we really accommodate the practices that occur in the field," he said.

Chapter four regulates employment, the contents of work agreements to the scope of the workplace and the basis of the PRT work agreement.

The government also regulates the rights and obligations of household workers listed in the fifth chapter.

In the fifth chapter, the rights and obligations stipulated are not only domestic workers, but also employers and the Domestic Workers Placement Company (P3RT).

The sixth chapter, which is considered no less important, contains improved domestic skills and skills. This skill and skill has an interest not only for domestic workers, but also for employers.

Then in chapter seven arranges the placement of the PRT, while chapter eight arranges on how coaching and supervision of the PRT should be performed.

Lastly, in chapter nine contains about anticipation in case of a dispute.

As for sanctions and criminal penalties, the government considers criminal provisions that can follow existing laws and regulations.

"Violations of criminal provisions in this law are carried out in accordance with statutory regulations. So it is not regulated in this law but we follow the existing laws and regulations," said Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah.

On the same occasion, Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights Edward Omar Sharif explained that of the 367 DIM proposed by the government, 79 DIMs were the focus of the new substance.

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