BOGOR - In the last two months the Bogor City Police have intensively carried out operations and confiscated 5 thousand liquor (alcohol) and 28 thousand firecrackers. Furthermore, the confiscated goods were destroyed at the Bogor Police Headquarters.
The Head of Bogor City Police, Kombes Pol Bismo Teguh Prakoso, explained that the thousands of bottles of alcohol and firecrackers were confiscated from operations which he held from March 29 to April 10, 2023.
"We carried out this operation based on public input in the Friday Curhat and Ngopi program with the Chief of Police. The public complained about the impact of alcohol that could eliminate awareness, cause brawls, fights, and traffic accidents," Bismo said in his statement, Thursday, April 13.
Bismo explained that the sale of alcohol violates the Trade Law (UU) article 106 junto article 24 paragraph 1 of Law number 7 of 2014 with a maximum sentence of 4 years and a fine of Rp. 10 billion.
His party also confiscated firecrackers from the seller because they were considered dangerous and had the potential to cause a brawl. A total of 28,011 firecrackers were confiscated and then destroyed by watering them.
He said that firecrackers were also seen to cause unrest and disputes with the surrounding environment.
Previously, the Mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya, assessed that buying and selling alcohol was a latent disease that continued to occur. Therefore, according to him, there needs to be consistency in prosecution upstream.
"Produsennya juga harus disikat, ditindak dan diproses hukum. Karena Perdanya sudah jelas minyak dengan kadar alcohol di atas 5 persen tidak boleh," tegasnya
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