JAKARTA - South Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Ade Ary visited the son of GP Ansor administrator, David, at Mayapada Hospital, South Jakarta as a form of police concern for the victim.
"We came to Mayapada Hospital in Kuningan, Setia Budi sub-district, South Jakarta to visit Brother D, the victim of a case of violence that we are investigating at the South Jakarta Metro Police," Ade told reporters at the location, Friday, February 24, around dawn.
Ade did not say many words during the visit. However, the former Tangerang Police Chief has always expressed his concern for the victims. He prayed for the victim to recover quickly from his injuries.
"Once again, we express our concern and empathy for what the victim experienced, we hope he will recover soon. Handling by the medical team continues to be carried out and also accompanied by the victim's family," he said.
Regarding the legal process, Ade revealed that the investigation team is still investigating the people involved in the abuse case. It is known that a girl with the initials A is still being examined.
"It's still being investigated, it's still being investigated and deepening. We continue to try to explore and collect further facts and evidence. We will carry out this process thoroughly, procedurally, proportionally, and with the applicable procedures," he said.
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