JAKARTA - A large metal ball found on a beach in Japan. Local residents and the police were even confused, which led to lots of speculation.

Authorities have yet to say what exactly the metal ball was. Even the police or bomb squad have been sent to investigate.

But all he knew was that the metal ball was empty and certainly not a threat. Many suspect it is some kind of buoy.

The find in the coastal town of Hamamatsu has been dubbed the "Godzilla egg", "mooring buoy" and "from outer space" by enthralled locals.

Japanese broadcaster NHK showed footage of two officials on Enshuhama Beach looking at a rusty metal ball that appeared to be 1.5 m (4.9 ft) wide.

It was discovered by local residents who alerted the police after seeing an unusual object on the beach.

Authorities cordoned off the area and carried out an X-ray examination which revealed nothing more - other than making sure the object was safe.

A jogger on the beach said he was surprised by the excitement on the beach. The reason is, the ball has been there for some time.

"I tried to push it away but it wouldn't budge," the runner said casually.

Local authorities said the object would be moved soon.

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