JAKARTA - The National Corruption Watch (NCW) considers that there are irregularities regarding the proposed promotion of Deputy for Enforcement and Execution of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Karyoto and Director of Investigation, Endar Priyantoro. For NCW, KPK chairman Firli Bahuri cannot send letters carelessly.

"The return of KPK employees to agencies can only be carried out if there is a violation of the code of ethics or the assignment period has ended. If this is a request from the KPK Chair to the National Police, it means that the KPK itself cannot terminate them", said NCW Chair, Hanifa Sutrisna, in a written statement, Wednesday, February 15.

Hanifa thinks it will be dangerous if the promotion proposal is submitted by Firli due to an investigation into allegations of corruption in implementing Formula E. This is considered a form of intervention.

"If this return is indeed motivated by this friction, then Firli's actions are a dangerous matter. Because the withdrawal is a form of non-legal issue that intervenes in law enforcement", he stressed.

The KPK was reminded not to submit this suggestion haphazardly. Hanifa asked for promotion proposals to comply with the rules.

The letter sent to the National Police Chief Gen. Listyo Sigit asked to be withdrawn. "KPK must comply with standard operating procedures (SOP) as well as laws and regulations", said Hanifa.

"Remembering that the loyalty of KPK employees is not to the personal leadership, but rather to the system. They must refuse orders from the leadership that are contrary to SOPs, laws and regulations, and the code of ethics", he continued.

Apart from that, Hanifa requested that the promotion proposals be transparently conveyed to the public. Moreover, if the goal is purely for career development.

It would be better if it were explained openly to the public so that there is no negative perception from the public that there is an intervention by the KPK leadership in handling certain cases", he explained.

As previously reported, Endar and Karyoto were still active police officers. Endar now holds the rank of Brigadier General and Karyoto holds the rank of Inspector General.

Both of them became a concern because they were proposed to be promoted which meant they would be returned to their original unit, the National Police. This proposal occurred when the KPK investigated allegations of corruption in implementing Formula E.

Apart from Endar and Karyoto, the KPK has returned Fitroh Rohcahyanto, who previously served as Director of Prosecution, to his agency, the Attorney General's Office. However, this return was denied regarding Formula E.

Head of KPK Reporting Section Ali Fikri said Fitroh was returned because he wanted to have a career in the Adhyaksa Corps. His position has been replaced by M. Asri Irwan as Acting Director of Prosecution.

"(Return, red) at his own request some time ago, last year to develop a career there. At the Attorney General's Office", said Head of KPK Reporting Section Ali Fikri told reporters at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Thursday, February 2.

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