It's Been 10 Days That The Residents Of Marunda Flats Don't Have Clean Water, They Have Reported Still No Solution

JAKARTA - As many as 500 family coconuts (KK) residents in Marunda Flat, Cilincing, North Jakarta, complained about the difficulty of clean water. In fact, they were forced to live without water in their place since February 5, 2023.

One of the residents of the flat, Herymias Pancar (39) admitted that he had complained about this matter to the technician of the flat where he lived. However, until now, they cannot provide a solution related to the problem of clean water in its place.

"So we live in flats, the water has not flowed for approximately 8 days. These are 5 towers of approximately 500 and above (affected-ed)," said Herymias when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, February 15.

"We have complained, but we are limited space in flats. Flats under the auspices of the Flats Management Unit (UPRS), they have their own technicians. At least ask that person. The answer is only that. The water discharge is less just like that. There is no solution," he continued.

Herymias is furious with the current condition. However, he admitted that he was confused about complaining about his problem.

"So where do you call it? Do we want to demo? We live in the nation's capital, it's funny if the reason is like this," he said.

Therefore, he hopes that the North Jakarta City Government and the DKI Provincial Government can resolve the problem.

"We don't live in the forest. Hopefully the water can return to normal. It means that water is a basic need, needs number 1, he concluded.

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