JAKARTA - Governor Ganjar Pranowo continues to promote sport tourism and increase the number of millennial entrepreneurs in Central Java. These two things are part of Ganjar's efforts to strengthen the community's economy in the future.

Regarding sports tourism, Ganjar and the Central Java Provincial Government have repeatedly held various events. Several quite prestigious events such as the Tour de Borobudur.

In the event, Ganjar also took other parties. One of them is a disabled person from Solo City named Jason Santoso. He entrusted Jason to design the jersey used by cyclists in that event.

"We invite them to design the disabled people. The results are attached to the jerseys at the event later. So the difference is that now we make jerseys with unique designs, from children with special needs," said Ganjar, Tuesday, January 17.

Another prestigious sport tourism event is the Borobudur Marathon. Collaborating with Bank Jateng, Ganjar succeeded in growing 35 percent of new MSMEs when the event was held.

In fact, transactions in the event reached IDR 30 billion. The nominal is very high and has positive potential for the community.

Not surprisingly, Ganjar hopes that this prestigious event will become a trigger for tourist areas to develop sport tourism and collaborate with MSMEs from the surrounding community.

Millenial Entrepreneur

In an effort to spur millennial entrepreneurs, Ganjar is arguably not playing games. This PDI Perjuangan politician has come up with various policies that can speed up their realization.

For example, Ganjar created a Millennial Credit program that aims to help start-ups so that their products go global.

Ganjar's support was proven through the success of MSME assisted by UNS and the Surakarta City Government in exporting their products to Paris, France, in November 2022.

The Main Director of Bank Jateng Supriyatno explained that his party had provided capital assistance for millennials through Millennial Startup Credit. The available ceiling is IDR 18 billion, and IDR 10.49 billion has been distributed. Currently, there are still IDR 7.51 billion left.

''We are targeting universities in Central Java whose students want to work in the MSME field and are determined to spread their wings overseas. We appoint millennials because it is sometimes difficult for them to find capital loans,'' said Nano, his nickname.

One of the MSME actors, Anggia admitted that he had the opportunity to enjoy the millennial credit program from Bank Jateng. The nominal amount received reached IDR 10 million.

Anggia also expressed her gratitude and could not hide her pleasure for Ganjar because the loan offered low-interest rates and cashback.

''The installments are affordable, the interest is cheap and there is cashback. The interest is only seven percent and God willing, you will be paid a year. If that's possible, you'll get five percent cashback, sir," said Anggia, who received a thumbs-up from Ganjar.

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