The summons of former KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri by Polda Metro Jaya on Thursday, November 28 drew criticism because it was deemed inappropriate. The Attorney General's Office is said to have asked the police to complete the case file by completing the testimony of non-suspected witnesses.
"Why has Mr. Firli been summoned, even the prosecutor's instructions have not been implemented. Right, the prosecutor asked for witness statements, not the suspect. How come the suspect was summoned? Mr. Firli is not a witness, (but, ed) a suspect. Why was he summoned," said the criminal law expert, Romli Atmasasmita when contacted, Wednesday, November 27.
According to him, Polda Metro Jaya was asked to complete the testimony of witnesses who knew Firli's alleged extortion. "So this is called an error in persona, calling the wrong person. The person who was summoned was not like the prosecutor's instructions," said Romli.
Romli said that this condition must be straightened out by the Polda Metro Jaya, especially Bareskrim Polri. "The prosecutor's appointment is a witness, not a suspect. Why was the suspect summoned? Need to be questioned at the Criminal Investigation Unit. Why was another requested, another answered. Others asked to be summoned but others were called, what was the story," he said.
Previously, investigators from Polda Metro Jaya had examined 123 witnesses, including Firli in the case of extortion against former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo. In addition, the case file has been returned four times to the prosecutor because it is considered that it does not meet the material requirements.
Meanwhile, Firli Bahuri will be questioned on Thursday, November 28. The investigation is planned to be carried out at the Police Criminal Investigation Unit Building, South Jakarta.
"So investigators have scheduled or scheduled an examination or request for additional information from the suspect FB on Thursday, November 28, 2024, at 10.00 WIB, in the examination room on the 6th floor of the Police Criminal Investigation Building," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indardi to reporters at the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters.
The former South Jakarta Metro Police Chief said that Firli's summons had been sent. "That's it on Wednesday, November 20," he concluded.
"Then, the summons for the suspect FB to be questioned on Thursday have been sent by investigators a few days ago, namely Wednesday, November 20, 2024," he concluded.
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