Police Are Hunting For Two Methamphetamine Suppliers To Revaldo
Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko. (photo: Rizky/voi)

JAKARTA - Metro Jaya Police is hunting for two suppliers of cannabis and crystal methamphetamine to actor Revaldo Fifaldi Suria Permana. They have the initials GR and CH.

"We are still exploring our suppliers because in this case, investigators are still on the DPO (Wanted Person List)", said Head of Public Relations of Metro Jaya Police Commissioner Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko to reporters, Saturday, January 14.

The two drug dealers must be found. Because, from their information, it is the key to dismantling a larger network.

Currently, investigators from the Directorate of Narcotics Research at Metro Jaya Police are still looking for clues and information regarding the whereabouts of the two.

"There are two people we want to investigate for information, but the two initials are still in the search process", said Trunoyudo.

Revaldo was arrested on suspicion of misusing cannabis and crystal methamphetamine in an apartment in the Jakarta area, on January 11.

With this arrest, Revaldo has been arrested three times for drug cases. The first arrests occurred in 2006 and then in 2010.

Deputy Director for Narcotics at Metro Jaya Police AKBP Donny Alexander said, based on the examination, Revaldo had been taking drugs again since the last year. In fact, within a week he routinely uses these prohibited items. "(Drug consumption) 4 times a week", said Donny.

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