SERANG – The sub-den of Jibom Satbrimob of the Banten Police evacuated a UXO (mortar-type military bomb) that was found at the house of Arsiah, a resident of Kaujon Village, Serang City, Wednesday, October 19.
The UXO evacuation process was led directly by Panit 2 subden 1 Jibom Bripka Dwi Ruliyatmoko and assisted by several personnel from the Banten Brimobda Brigade Brigade.
Brimob Unit Commander Kombes Dede Rojudin explained that the evacuation process went smoothly and safely.
"The evacuation and security of the UXO found at the residents' homes, in Kaujon Village can be concluded as safe. However, to reduce the risk, we temporarily secure the evidence to the Head of the Satbrimob Police Headquarters of Banten before the implementation of the Disposalan (annihilation)," said Dede Rojudin in a written statement, Wednesday, October 19.
Kombes Dede Rojudin did not explain how the UXO could be in Arsiah's yard. He only said that prior to the extermination process, his party would coordinate with his leadership.
"We will immediately report to the leadership regarding the location and everything related to the SOP for the destruction," said Dede.
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