JAKARTA - Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto reiterated the government's commitment to the welfare of TNI soldiers even though Indonesia is in the midst of a global crisis.

"Yes, we always want to pay attention, yes, improve welfare. But we have to adjust it to the nation's economic conditions", Prabowo said after the TNI Anniversary ceremony at the Merdeka Palace, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, October 5.

Prabowo said various predictions stated that next year the world situation would be more difficult. Prabowo also used the term 'The Perfect Storm' to describe it.

"Forecasts from all over the world the crisis in the future could be even worse. They say the perfect storm is coming. The perfect storm is coming. So we have to be ready", Prabowo said.

However, Prabowo said Indonesia should be grateful because it is blessed with abundant natural resources and good rainfall in some areas.

He also invited all parties to remain alert to the upcoming crisis and have prepared anticipatory steps by ordering experts at the Ministry of Defense's universities, namely the Defense University (IDU) to research water sources in various regions.

"We are alert next year, so now we are carrying out studies and investigations. We are looking for water sources, everywhere, and also water technology. I have ordered the Defense University to form working groups to look for water sources. Everywhere, in all provinces, in all regions", Prabowo said.

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