JAYAPURA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) investigated three of the six soldiers involved in the mutilation case in Timika, Mimika Regency, Papua.

The examination of the three TNI soldiers from Brigif 20 was carried out at the Cenderawasih XVII Military Police Detention Center in Waena, Jayapura.

"We will go straight to the detention center to meet the three of them", said Komnas HAM member Khoirul Anam in Jayapura, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, September 13.

Anam met the Commander of the Cenderawasih Military Command (Pangdam) XVII, Major General Muhammad Saleh Mustafa, at the Cenderawasih XVII Military Command in Polimak, Jayapura, Tuesday, before questioning three soldiers suspected of mutilating.

He appreciated the Pangdam XVII Cenderawasih who gave Komnas HAM access to the opportunity to examine the suspects.

Apart from the Pomdam XVII Cenderawasih detention center in Waena, three other soldiers are currently being held at the Timika Sub Denpom.

Meanwhile, Pangdam XVII Cenderawasih Maj. Gen. Muhammad Saleh Mustafa said that his party was giving Komnas HAM the widest opportunity to examine the soldiers suspected of mutilating in Timika.

"We provide the widest possible opportunity to Komnas HAM if it wants to examine the alleged mutilation perpetrators", said Saleh.

Three soldiers suspected of mutilating the perpetrators were detained in the Waena Rutan with the rank of major and tantama, while the soldiers were detained in Timika with the rank of the first officer and non-commissioned officer. The three soldiers who are in Timika will be immediately taken to Jayapura after the files are complete.

The trial of the six soldiers suspected of mutilating them will be held in Jayapura and Makassar, said Saleh Mustafa.

The ten suspected perpetrators of the mutilation are Major HF, Captain DK, PR Praka, RAS Pratu, PC Pratu, R Pratu, APL alias Jeck, DU, R, and RMH.

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