JAKARTA - The Ukrainian military has used a kamikaze drone in a residential area in Energodar which belongs to the Zaporozhye region. The number of those killed and injured has not been determined, a spokesman for the military-civilian establishment said Tuesday

"At around 14:20 p.m. (11:20 a.m. GMT), the Ukrainian Security Service [SBU] used a kamikaze drone in a residential area in Energodar," the spokesman told Sputnik News, as quoted July 13.

The spokesperson further explained that the SBU is also trying to deploy another kamikaze drone in residential areas. In addition, it also mentioned efforts to use drones in other areas.

"Since early today, another case of the use of kamikaze drones near the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant (NPP) has been prevented. In addition, another drone was eliminated by the Russian air defense system near the heating water utility in the city of Energodar," the spokesperson explained. on separate occasions.

Meanwhile, a spokesman for the Energodar City Government told Sputnik, the Ukrainian military launched a total of 6 drones during the day.

"In total, since the beginning of the day, the Ukrainian armed forces have tried to use drones in attacks on Enerhodar six times. Three of them were shot down. The aim of at least two of them was the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant facility," the spokesman added.

During a special operation to demilitarize Ukraine, the Russian military took control of the Kherson Region in the south of the country and parts of the Zaporozhye Region.

It is known, civil-military administrations have been formed in the liberated areas, residents can now pay in Russian rubles, broadcasts of Russian TV channels and radio stations have begun and trade relations with Crimea are restored.

As previously reported, the United States will send an advanced anti-tank Switchblade drone to Ukraine as a form of aid package against Russia. The US military is also reportedly training how to use this kamikaze drone.

This drone is touted as a very effective weapon. It can be put in a backpack and carried around. These drones are called kamikaze drones because they will hit a target while carrying a warhead at the end, BBC quoted last month as saying.

Has the ability to fly high in the sky to target targets. And can be controlled from a target miles away from the operator. They are often called "kamikaze" drones, because of the way they hit their targets, carrying a warhead at the end.

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