JAKARTA - Child and family psychologist from the UI Institute of Applied Psychology (LPTUI) Anna Suri Ariani said that parents play a major role in helping children understand how to socialize with peers.

"When a child sees a father and mother working together as a couple, it's a great example of socialization for the child. Therefore, it is important to continue to show good cooperation with the partner so that the child can imitate this," said the woman who is also known as Nina at the event. online, Tuesday 28 June.

It is undeniable that the COVID-19 pandemic has restricted children from socializing. Therefore, parental assistance is needed so that children can understand the importance of socialization in a larger social environment other than the family.

In addition to showing good coordination between father and mother, parents can also show examples of socialization by maintaining good relations with friends and colleagues so that children can get an idea of ​​socialization.

In fact, it is possible that he could be inspired to do various activities that his parents did with his friends.

If it turns out that the child is still afraid to start socializing, then the parents also play a stimulating role, one way is to play a role or "role play".

Meanwhile, for children who are under five years old, parents may be able to invite them to play a relatively easy role, for example pretending to feel like a trader and a buyer, or pretending to be a teacher and student.

When they get older, parents can play roles that involve certain conflicts, for example teaching children how to behave when a friend grabs a toy.

Another stimulation to encourage children to socialize smoothly with their peers is to plan "playdate" activities or play together with parents and other children.

"Playdate" can be started with small groups, so children will get used to seeing their peers and begin to understand socialization.

The other most important thing to encourage children to want to socialize in a wider environment is that parents must be able to create an atmosphere at home in a cheerful atmosphere.

"As much as possible, create an atmosphere that is always cheerful at home, so that the child is also not bored and is not afraid to socialize. If at home parents as much as possible do not show fighting scenes, if you have already made up quickly and return the atmosphere to be cheerful," said Nina.

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