MALUKU - Masses of students who are members of the Nusa Ina Student Alliance (AMNI) of West Seram Regency (SBB) rallied in front of the gate of the Maluku Prosecutor's Office.

AMNI demanded that the prosecutor immediately investigate allegations of corruption in the budget for the procurement of ships from the SBB Regency Government for the 2020 Fiscal Year, amounting to IDR 7.1 billion.

"We ask that Iqbal Payapo as the son of the late SBB Regent Yasin Payapo also be arrested and examined by prosecutors in this case", Abdullah Hitimala said in Ambon, quoted from Antara, Thursday, May 19.

According to him, Iqbal, who is currently a member of the Maluku Provincial Regional House of Representatives from the SBB Regency Electoral District for the 2019-2024 period, is indicated to also regulate the procurement project for the SBB Regency Government's fast boat, which to this day is not physically visible.

On several posters, the demonstrators also wrote the name of Iqbal Payapo to be investigated by the Maluku High Prosecutor's Office, because their actions in SBB Regency had not received a response for some time.

"The winner of the auction/tender for this project is CV Khairus, but the fact is that until now there has not been a physical sight of the ship whose procurement uses the SBB Regency of Regional Budget sources", he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Section for Penkum and Public Relations of the Maluku Attorney General's Office, Wahyudi Kareba separately confirmed the demonstration of several students from SBB Regency but was not accompanied by the submission of statements or demands.

"They only provide reinforcement and support for prosecutors to handle cases of alleged corruption. If the plan for further demonstrations is carried out next week, students are expected to submit their statements", he said.

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