SOUTH TANGERANG – The number of crimes committed at night is an important note for the police to take preventive measures.

To anticipate this, the police often conduct patrols and check people who carry out activities at night.

The Head of Pondok Aren Sector Police Commissioner Dimas Aditya ordered all units, both from Opsnal and Patrol, to increase surveillance, especially at night curfews in the Pondok Aren sub-district, South Tangerang.

"Night patrols are carried out, considering the susceptibility of crimes committed by young people on the street. They were asked to disperse for the safety of themselves and the vehicle they were carrying,” said Commissioner of Police Dimas Aditya, early Thursday, March 24.

Officers who found a number of residents on the street checked for sharp weapons, drugs, or other objects that could potentially violate the law.

"To the patrol unit to search young people and check the vehicles they are carrying to anticipate the perpetrators carrying weapons," said Dimas.

In carrying out Blue Light Patrol patrols, if officers find residents who violate, such as carrying sharp weapons, drugs, or objects related to criminal acts, the legal process will be strictly enforced.

Because, continued Dimas, so that there will be no more brawls or robberies in the Pondok Aren area.

“There is no loophole to commit crimes or fights in the Pondok Aren area. The importance of the Blue Light Patrol really helps the community to provide a sense of security," he concluded.

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