JAKARTA - The chairman of Commission E of the DKI Regional House of Representatives from the Gerindra faction, Iman Satria, supports DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan's desire to temporarily stop 100 percent face-to-face learning (PTM) in the capital city.

Currently, Anies is proposing to Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, as the Java-Bali PPKM (Community Activity Restrictions) Coordinator that PTM be 100 percent terminated.

"If PTM is 100 percent stopped, it's the best thing, why not?", said Iman when contacted by VOI, Wednesday, February 2.

Iman assessed that Anies' attitude, which was still waiting for the central government's approval to stop PTM, was 100 percent correct. Because, in a joint decree (SKB) of 4 ministers regarding PTM, Jakarta can still run 100 percent PTM because it is still at PPKM Level 2.

Then, seeing the condition of the COVID-19 case which continues to increase and threatens the safety of students studying at school, Iman believes that the central government needs to consider the proposal to terminate this PTM.

"In my opinion, the government's policy is definitely in favor of the community. It means, if this is going to take the lives of school children, it will definitely be considered", he explained.

It is known, Anies finally plans to stop PTM 100 percent. This plan, said Anies, had been submitted to the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan.

"This afternoon I communicated with Mr. Luhut as the head of the Java-Bali COVID-19 Task Force to submit a proposal for Jakarta, PTM or face-to-face learning to be abolished for the next one month", Anies said when met in the East Jakarta area.

Anies admitted that he could not simply change the rules of PTM 100 percent and replace it with distance learning (PJJ).

This is because said Anies, the central government has determined that PTM 100 will still be applied to regions that apply during the Level 2 restriction on community activities (PPKM) such as Jakarta now.

"So the face-to-face learning is regulated through a 4-ministerial SKB whose 4-ministerial SKB is linked to the PPKM level whose PPKM is stipulated through the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs", he said.

Thus, during PPKM, all decisions are in the hands of the central government. Meanwhile, during the last PSBB, Anies could immediately make rules through a governor's regulation.

"It's different from when we used the PSBB regime. At the time of PSBB, decisions about face-to-face learning were regulated through the authority of the Governor. Now, this is regulated through a decision from the Central Government", he added.

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