JAKARTA - The University of Lampung (Unila) launched an electric car unit named Electric Vehicle Unila (E.V.U 01) by the university's lecturers and students.

"This electric car is originally handmade from the Unila electric car manufacturing team, not made by a manufacturer," said Unila Deputy Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance Prof. Dr. Asep Sukohar in Bandarlampung, reported by Antara, Thursday, January 13.

He said the launch of this electric car was Unila's effort to help reduce global warming and fulfill the UI Green Metric assessment and support the sustainable development goals (SDG's) program.

"If we look at the electric car, the body is a little uneven, because this vehicle is made of fiber inserted with natural materials, one of which is bamboo fiber. Of course, this really supports the UI Green Matric program and the SDGs," he said.

He hopes that in the future the electric car program will not stop here, but will continue to improve existing shortcomings.

"So, we hope that the existence of electric cars can continue to grow and increase in terms of quality," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Unila Electric Car Team, Martinus said the electric car was an idea since 2015.

"The idea has been around since 2015, then I was challenged by the Vice-Chancellor II to make a car with a capacity of 4 people. From there we formed a team to conduct research and manufacture electric cars, thank God it has been realized," he said.

Martinus, who is also a lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at Unila, explained that in its manufacture, the electric car uses environmentally friendly materials.

"The body uses natural fibers, hemp, and bamboo leaves, for the seats from coconut fiber according to nature, this is done because we have extraordinary natural fibers, but still minimal in processing," he explained.

He said that in the future what must be done is to expand the ecosystem and refuel solar energy as well as research its derivatives.

"I think this research is interesting and in the future, electric car research will involve more lecturers from across fields," he said.

The following are the specifications of the electric car, the E.V.U 01 made by Unila Lecturers and Students.

1. Electric Motor : 3 KW

2. Torque: 70 Nm

3. Gear Ratio: 1:10 and 1:20

4. Solar Panels: 100 Wp

5. Battery: 60 volts 45 Ah

6. Top Speed ​​: 50 km/hour

7. Range : 100-150 km

8. Weight: 400 kg

9. Body: Hemp and Bamboo Leaves

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