JAKARTA - The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, ordered all ranks of the Bhayangkara Corps to go directly to the field. The goal is to hear directly the aspirations of the community and can be used as evaluation material.

"Come to the community and listen to what they want. If necessary, gather the community at Sector police, Resort police, District police. So that they know what to improve. Trust will emerge from the community", said Sigit in his briefing at the Lampung Police, Tuesday, January 11th.

This way, said Sigit, can increase public trust, especially on the public service side. In fact, it was emphasized that the National Police Chief did not want to hear about services that did not meet the expectations of the community.

"Serve complaints quickly. So that people know we are responding to what they complain about. Check whether it is running or not. Because this is not easy. Easy to say but difficult to implement", said the former Police Criminal Investigation Officer.

All these efforts, according to Sigit, must be guided by a person who has a strong leadership spirit and strict system supervision. This will prevent the occurrence of irregularities by police officers who do not carry out their duties by the rules.

"This requires leadership, strict monitoring of the system. We don't want our members to have worked so hard and then there are problems just because we don't provide guidance. So that the wrong way is influenced by the wrong environment and continues to be victims. Moreover, the violation was carried out together and organized ", said Sigit.

"Professionalism if it is not supported by correct ethics will result in violations and abuse of authority. This has a dangerous impact on the Police. Make improvements if they are unable to clean and evaluate. Because many of our members are ready to work and are not willing to let our institutions be damaged by people who cannot understand the expectations of the organization and society", continued Sigit.

On the other hand, Sigit emphasized, in the current era the Police must make improvements and changes to become even better. Thus, the bad culture so far must be eliminated by replacing habits that are much more positive.

"We are fixing why members commit violations, whether it is related to individual factors, namely weak spiritual understanding, negative community influences, unable to adjust to existing conditions and lifestyles that are not by the organizational culture of the Police or from organizational factors, namely weak regulations, lack of literacy insight, lack of facilities and infrastructure. The culture must be repaired because the old heritage may no longer be suitable. No longer do subordinates serve the leadership", said Sigit.

Meanwhile, regarding the handling and control of the COVID-19 epidemic, Sigit expressed his appreciation to all police officers who are tirelessly at the forefront of this matter. However, it is still a reminder not to be negligent and careless, especially now that the COVID-19 variant, Omicron has entered Indonesia.

"What we have done so far is not the final achievement, currently Omicron is entering Indonesia. Omicron is five times faster, although the fatality rate is not as high as the Delta variant", said Sigit.

Therefore, Sigit requested that the police personnel continue to synergize with all stakeholders to accelerate the acceleration of vaccination, especially for the elderly and children.

"Steps to complete vaccination in several places are still not optimal. Second, to anticipate, we will prepare referral hospitals and medicines. At this time, while there is still time to check readiness again. Strengthening inspections, especially at crossings. We really have been vaccinated because this increase, if it can't be controlled, can turn into a third wave", Sigit explained.

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