JAKARTA - Lecturer Bahar bin Smith confirmed that he would attend the West Java Regional Police to undergo an examination. Bahar Smith was originally going to be investigated as a reported case of alleged hate speech.

"God willing, we will attend," said Bahar bin Smith's lawyer, Ichwan Tuankota to VOI, Monday, January 3.

However, when it was discussed further about the investigation, such as whether to bring evidence or not to refute the alleged hate speech, Ichwan did not explain it.

The West Java Regional Police scheduled a summons for Bahar Smith. The speaker will be questioned about the alleged hate speech on Monday, January 3, 2022.

"The West Java Police sent a summons to Bahar bin Smith for his statement on Monday, January 3, 2022," said Head of Public Relations of the West Java Police, Grand Commissioner Erdi A Chaniago.

The summons for Bahar bin Smith was carried out after investigators handed over an Investigation Commencement Order (SPDP) on Tuesday, December 28, to Bahar's residence in Bogor.

"The General Criminal Directorate has sent an SPDP against Bahar bin Smith," he said.

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