TANGERANG - Banten Governor Wahidin Halim (WH) regretted the mass action of workers who forced their way into his office during a demonstration.

Wahidin Halim said the action could set a bad precedent when governors, regents, and mayors make decisions.

"I personally do not feel offended. The state should provide a sense of security. Because what I did was in accordance with the regulations," said Banten Governor Wahidin Halim at his residence, Kelurahan Pinang, Tangerang City, as quoted by Antara, Thursday, December 23.

"I leave it to the authorities," said Wahidin.

Wahidin admitted that he could not imagine if he was in his office at that time. He regretted the actions of the workers forcing their way into the workspace but there was no attempt to defend or protect them.

"This should be a concern of the community as well as the state. The decision must be supported," he said.

Wahid said that governors, regents, and mayors are state officials who must be protected from anarchy. Demonstrations or expressing opinions in public have rules and are delivered in good ways and using ethics.

"It could be a precedent that all governors, regents, and mayors will be afraid to make decisions. We are also being followed by decisive regulations," said Wahidin.

He explained that the UMP and UMK were decided through deliberation. Through the wage council process with clear indicators and variables, including involving BPS which measures economic growth, inflation, living standards, and others. Through the agreement of the Wage Council, it is then recommended to the Governor.

"The determination of the UMP and UMK is for a wider interest, not only for workers in factories. But also for those in hotels, tourism, and so on, who are now affected by the COVID-19 pandemic," Wahidin said.

According to him, in Indonesia, labor conflicts occur every year. Workers want to go up, employers don't want to go up.

The provincial, district/city governments facilitate, build friendships and moderate the meeting and just be peaceful.

"But in the end we are the ones who are attacked, the extent to which the government is involved in labor relations," he said.

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