MEDAN - The Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Tanjungbalai District Attorney's Office, North Sumatra demanded the death penalty for 2 fishermen. Both Hasanul Arifin and Supandi were found guilty in the case of attempting to circulate 76 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine.

The prosecution team read out the demands in the trial held at the Tanjungbalai District Court, Tuesday, December 21.

"The reading of the demands was carried out by the Public Prosecutor's team of the Tanjungbalai Asahan District Attorney and the trial was chaired by a panel of judges chaired by Dr. Solomon Ginting at the Tanjungbalai District Court", said Head of the Tanjungbalai District Attorney's Intelligence Section, Dedy Saragih.

The two defendants were found guilty of committing a crime in Article 114 paragraph (2) of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.

Both of them are considered together to have committed unlawfully or unlawfully by offering for sale, selling, buying, receiving, intermediary, in buying and selling, exchanging, or delivering narcotics class I in the form of non-plants weighing more than 5 grams.

"The contents of the charges against the defendants, namely the defendant Hasanul Arifin and the defendant Supandi were each charged with the death penalty", he explained.

After hearing the demands, the panel of judges postponed the trial until December 28 with the agenda of reading the defenses of the two defendants.

Quoted from the indictment, the case that ensnared the two defendants began on May 9, 2021, when Udin (DPO/wanted list) contacted the defendant and was offered to pick up methamphetamine in the Indonesian and Malaysian border waters. Both were promised to be given a salary of IDR 200 million.

"Under Udin's offer, the defendant agreed, then the defendant invited Supandi to collect Udin's methamphetamine", said Public Prosecutor Oppon B Siregar in the indictment.

Then on May 17, 2021, the two defendants left for the border waters of Malaysia and Indonesia near Tanjung Balai City using the Kaluk Ship owned by Hasanul Arifin.

On May 18, 2021, at around 23.00 WIB, Udin emerged from the direction of Malaysian waters to meet Hasanul Arifin on a fast boat. After that, Udin immediately transferred 4 guns containing a bag containing methamphetamine, which was packaged in 76 packs of tea, weighing 76 kilograms, to the Kaluk Ship and gave IDR 60 million to Defendant Hasanul.

Furthermore, the two defendants and Udin left for Tanjungbalai waters using the Kaluk Ship which had loaded methamphetamine. However, the actions of the defendants were caught by the Tanjungbalai Police Polairud Patrol Boat.

The defendants along with Udin fled and left evidence in the form of narcotics. On June 6, 2021, the defendants Hasanul Arifin and Supandi were arrested by investigators from the North Sumatra Police Research Directorate in Bandung.

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