JAKARTA Although the explosion at the Gateway Apartment, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta did not cause a fire, it was confirmed that 3 residents were injured.
As explained by the Head of the South Jakarta Fire and Rescue Sub-dept. Triyanto to reporters, Friday, December 27, that the explosion occurred due to a leak of the LPG gas cylinder at 09.50 WIB.
Kusnanto, another Damkar picket officer, said the LPG gas leak was in the waterheat installation line.
Unfortunately, the residents of the apartment did not realize the leaking gas cylinder. In fact, the occupants did not even smell gas.
The owner's son did not smell the gas leak. And started the LPG gas stove, there was an explosion that resulted in 3 people being injured," said Kusnanto when confirmed, Friday, December 27.
Firefighters who arrived at the location did not extinguish the fire because there was no fire. However, the officers only collect data.
"Recorded. There was damage caused by the explosion," he said.
The current situation is in a safe condition.
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