JAKARTA - The National Police's efforts to recruit 57 former KPK employees were not entirely successful. Because, there are some of them refuse to join as the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) of the Police.

At least 44 former KPK employees, including Novel Baswedan, accepted to join. They have undergone socialization and signed the agreement.

After undergoing the socialization process for Police Regulation (Perpol) number 15 of 2021 regarding special appointments, Novel Baswedan explained the reasons for accepting the proposal from the Police. One of them is because the KPK is considered not to really eradicate corruption.

"Yes, I accept the position," Novel told reporters, Monday, December 6.

This assessment, said Novel, is because corruption is currently very massive. However, the enforcement is considered to be decreasing.

Moreover, the KPK under Firli Bahuri's leadership called Novel did not show seriousness in taking action against these crimes.

"Efforts to eradicate corruption carried out by the KPK are decreasing and the KPK leadership is also at least from our point of view, my friends and I view that their performance is also increasingly not showing anything serious or serious in eradicating corruption," said Novel.

With an offer from the National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo to participate in eradicating corruption, Novel immediately expressed his interest. Because, there is still a soul to eradicate corruption in him.

"So I think then we voted for most of us, I said not all, yes, most of us chose to accept it, because once the problem of eradicating corruption we saw as a serious matter," said Novel.

"We see that we want to contribute more in order to eradicate corruption," he continued.

On the other hand, there were 8 people who refused the offer to become Bhayangkara Corps ASN. One of them is the former Head of the Drafting of Regulations and Legal Products at the Legal Bureau of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Rasamala Aritonang.

Rasamala refused to join for several reasons. One of them already has another commitment that cannot be abandoned.

"I did not take this offer (as a National Police ASN)," said Rasamala.

This commitment is because Rasamala is currently a lecturer at a university. So, he chose to stick with the decision he had made.

"Now teaching at the law faculty of Parahyangan University and that's a commitment, there is also a responsibility that must be carried out," he said.

However, Rasamala stated that he would still assist his colleagues in eradicating corruption. If one day, his energy and thoughts are needed, Rasamala is ready to get involved.

"I am also personally always willing to incidentally if needed to help me, I am ready to help especially these friends who will be there to contribute," he said.

On the other hand, Rasamala denied the rumors circulating about the main reason for his refusal because he wanted to form a political party. Because, it is just another plan in his life goal as a way to eradicate corruption.

However, for now, he prefers to focus on education. Where, already committed to the choice.

"But will I go there? I think I am still focusing on the legal field, still dedicating myself to the world of education," he said.

In addition, until now there are still 4 former KPK employees who have not decided whether to join or not. But not sure about their identity.

Meanwhile, another former KPK employee named Nanang died last November.

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