JAKARTA - The fire incident that occurred in the Pertamina Refinery area in Cilacap, Central Java, on Saturday, November 13, is considered to be an entry point to investigate allegations of intentional elements. This is because refinery fires in Cilacap have occurred at least seven times since 1995.

In 2021, the PDIP Faction noted that there had been 3 fires. First Balongan, second and third occurred in Cilacap. Therefore, this incident must be thoroughly investigated and investigated intensively.


A member of Commission VII DPR Adian Napitupulu, questioned the actual factors that occurred as the cause of the burning of the oil refinery. He said PDIP was not sure that the reason for the fire came from a lightning strike.


"Thunderbolts can happen at any time. With today's technological capabilities, security should be much better. Seeing that it has happened so many times, is it okay to fix it at all? Because it happened many times, we see that maybe it's not just natural factors, maybe other factors are not open? For example, human error'," said Adian in the PDIP Faction room, Nusantara I Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Monday, 15 November.


Adian also questioned the level of security at each of the refineries owned by PT Pertamina. The reason is, the refinery is one of the vital objects that should be very safe.


"Why are there five levels of security that should be carried out at each of our oil refineries, this oil refinery should be included in the category of vital state objects, yes, the security must be extraordinary. Securing from sabotage, securing from natural disasters, and so on. Now if you go back to the question earlier, is it definitely lightning? Not necessarily. Are there other possibilities? It could be, "he said.


"There could be other possibilities, such as human error, who was keeping how many, what were you doing at that time? Then maybe there was no sabotage? Yes, maybe. By whom? It could be the oil and gas mafia, it could also be other people who have an interest in creating instability. Why, because Therefore, Adian emphasized that the PDIP faction asked for a thorough investigation so that speculations would not arise in the future and even accuse each other.


"What is being investigated, not only in the field, but also all security equipment, schedules, names, and if necessary checking the background of the names. What is A's background, B's background, and so on to avoid speculation. Why, the people need a clear answer, this is not the first incident," said Adian.


Meanwhile, Member of the House of Representatives Commission VII, Nasyirul Falah Amru, suspected that there was an element of intent in the fire at the refinery containing pertalite-type fuel oil. He wasn't sure the refinery caught fire from a lightning strike.


"It is said that security is international standards, international standards are inferior to lightning. Well, this is all irrational, if it is said that it is a lightning factor. So sabotage is possible and we highly suspect," said Nasyirul in the PDIP Faction Room, Nusantara. I Parliament Complex, Monday, 15 November.


He was surprised that there had been repeated fires and asked for a thorough investigation, but until now Pertamina has not realized the request.


"In June last year when Balongan burned down, the Balongan refinery burned down, the PDIP-P faction had also asked to conduct a thorough investigation. But until now it has not been done," he said.


"After all, it has been said that we have met, because of lightning, right? So then the conditions, how come sequentially, from Balongan in North Java, then in the south in Cilacap, what is this. That is a very extraordinary loss and this threatens the stability of our country," continued Nasyirul.


Nasyirul revealed, from 2008 to 2021 Pertamina's oil refinery fires had been recorded 16 times. He said the red plate company was completely irresponsible. "This means that from the 16 cases where the refinery caught fire, Pertamina was really incompetent in managing it. Even investigating was not good enough," said Nasyirul.



PDIP Faction Press Conference related to the Pertamina refinery fire in Cilacap (Nailin In Saroh/VOI)

Allegedly Burned For Import Purposes


Energy Economics observer at Gadjah Mada University, Fahmy Radhi, said that the repeated fires at the refinery indicated that Pertamina was neglecting the security of the refinery. According to him, it is suspected that the Pertamina refinery fire was deliberately carried out to increase imports.

"The consecutive fires at the Cilacap Refinery further strengthen the indications that there is an element of intent on the part of certain parties (with) the aim of increasing import volume after the fire, which has become a land for rent-seeking.

It is certain that the fire (incident) will increase the cost of importing fuel, (at the same time) will worsen financial performance. Pertamina in 2021," Fahmy said in his statement. Fahmy said that the fire not only destroyed the oil storage tank, but also threatened the safety of residents who had to evacuate.

According to him, Pertamina's refinery security system should be in accordance with international standards. "Pertamina must have a high commitment and not be negligent in securing all important assets, especially refineries and oil tanks.

For this reason, Pertamina must implement a security system for oil refineries in layers, in accordance with international standards and must be audited regularly by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and Independent Institutions," he explained.

Because, he said, Indonesia is already dependent on imports to cover the deficit. "I don't agree with this, it's too vague and difficult to account for, unless there are facts. I'm not used to the assumptions, because there are fire or no refinery facilities, we're a net importer country. It definitely depends on imports to cover the deficit," he concluded.

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