JAKARTA - At least 90 troops of the Myanmar military regime were reported killed on Monday and Tuesday in civil insurgency attacks in Sagaing, Magwe, and Bago, as well as Chin and Shan states.

On Tuesday morning, civilian armed groups raided a police post on the Yangon-Mandalay highway in Phyu Township, Bago County, according to a junta statement.

During the raid, five police officers were killed and their weapons were taken, according to the Myanmar military regime, as quoted by The Irrawaddy on November 10.

Meanwhile, Pale People's Defense (PDF) forces claimed to have attacked about 80 junta soldiers traveling on the Pale-Gangaw highway in the township of Sagaing Region on Monday morning.

The joint deployment of Pale PDF and other civil resistance groups ambushed junta forces at two locations on the highway using 43 landmines. During the attack, 34 junta soldiers were killed and more than 30 injured, Pale PDF said.

On Monday morning, a joint PDF deployment in Katha Township, Sagaing Region, attacked about 200 regime troops in a convoy. About 20 junta soldiers were killed and a PDF member injured, according to Katha PDF.

On Monday night, four civil resistance groups stormed the regime forces stationed at government offices in Monywa, the capital of Sagaing Region.

Four junta soldiers died from gunshot wounds to the head and a civilian fighter suffered minor injuries, a resident told The Irrawaddy.

Meanwhile, Kawlin Revolution (KR), the media arm of Kawlin PDF, said a firefight between regime forces and Kawlin PDF broke out in the township on Monday night. The death toll is unknown.

Dropping reinforcements from helicopters, regime forces stormed villages and opened fire on civilian targets in Kawlin. KR said about 10,000 residents of the three villages had fled their homes due to the junta attacks and shootings. Several villagers were killed in the junta attack, KR said.

Separately, on Monday evening, 15 members of the Yaw Eagle Team, a civil resistance group using homemade ancient hunting weapons and single-barreled rifles, ambushed a military convoy of 32 vehicles traveling on the Gangaw-Kale highway in Gangaw Township, Magwe Region.

During the ambush, eight junta soldiers were killed and all resistance fighters escaped unharmed, the resistance group said.

And on Monday afternoon, Gangaw PDF attacked a military convoy on a highway in Gangaw Township using landmines. Five junta soldiers were killed and about seven others injured, the group said.

Ten junta soldiers were killed after an armored vehicle was damaged in fighting between regime forces and the Chin Defense Forces (CDF) in Mindat on the Mindat-Matupi highway in Chin State on Monday afternoon, according to media.

More than 60 junta soldiers have reportedly died on highways in fighting with the CDF in Mindat in the past four days.

Heavy firefights between regime forces and the Karenni civilian armed forces continued in Pekon Township, Shan State, on Monday, according to the Karenni National Defense Forces (KNDF).

In retaliation, Myanmar military regime forces burned villagers' homes and several resistance fighters received minor injuries while military casualties were unknown.

The KNDF said residents fled their homes when regime forces opened fire on the Pekon residential area on Monday.

Please note, except for Rakhine State, the PDF and several armed ethnic groups have stepped up operations against junta forces across the country.

Meanwhile, the regime continues to commit atrocities, including bombardment of residential areas, looting and burning homes, arbitrary killing of civilians, and using civilians as human shields, especially in the Magwe and Sagaing regions and the states of Chin, Shan, and Kayah.

Myanmar Coup. The VOI editorial team continues to monitor the political situation in one of the ASEAN member countries. Casualties from civilians continue to fall. Readers can follow the news covering the Myanmar military coup by clicking this link.

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