JAKARTA - West Jakarta Metro Police investigators are still investigating the crime scene (TKP) related to the explosion at the home of the parents of Papuan Human Rights activist, Veronica Koman. The explosion occurred on Sunday, November 7, yesterday.

As of now, the case is still under investigation. Police suspect the explosion came from firecrackers.

"The strong suspicion is firecrackers", said West Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Ady Wibowo, when confirmed, Monday, November 8.

Several pieces of evidence were confiscated from Veronica's parents' house on Jelambar Baru Street, Gropet, West Jakarta. The evidence was confiscated for the investigation of the Forensic Laboratory Center (Puslabfor).

The Head of the Operational Assistance Section for Densus 88 Polri, Kombes Aswin Siregar, said that his party and the police had visited the location. However, it cannot be concluded that the object that emitted the sound of the explosion was a bomb.

"As are the bombs used by existing terror groups. From our observations, the terror group networks that we monitor have not shown any connection to this incident", said Aswin.

Aswin further explained that the evidence they investigated was in the form of a written message that alluded to Veronika Koman's actions in defending the armed criminal group (KKB) in Papua. The alleged terror occurred at Veronica Koman's parents' house at around 10.45 WIB.

"This is thought to be a form of threat to the occupants of the house related to Veronica Koman's actions", he said.

It was later discovered that the letter found in the garage of the house contained the message, "Warning!!! If the Police and Apparatus at home and abroad can't arrest Veronika Kuman @Hero Losers and Cowards, We Are Called to Scorch Earth, Wherever You Are Hiding. Nor Your Protectors".

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