JAKARTA - Densus 88 Anti-terror suspect that the explosion at the house of Veronica Koman's parents is related to Papua. Because there's found a written message containing threats.

"(Found) Evidence in the form of a written message that alludes to Veronika Koman's actions in defending the KKB group in Papua which was found in the house of Veronica Koman's parents. It is thought that it is a form of threat to the occupants of the house related to Veronica Koman's actions," said the Head of the Division Operational Assistance for Densus 88 Grand Commissioner Aswin Siregar to journalists, Monday, November 8.

The terrorist act at the house of Veronica's parents on U Street, Jelambar Baru Gropet, West Jakarta, occurred on Sunday, November 7th. So far, no significant damage.

On the other hand, Aswin said that Densus 88 was involved in investigating the terror act. However, so far it has not been confirmed that the object that exploded at the scene was a bomb or something else.

"It cannot be concluded that the object that emitted the sound of the explosion was a bomb, as the bomb materials commonly used by existing terror groups and from the monitoring of the terror group network that we monitor have not shown any connection with this incident," said Aswin.

Veronica's family has also made an official police report. Thus, there is a legal basis for conducting further investigations.

"Furthermore, witnesses from the family have made a police report and the case is handled by the Tanjung Duren Police," said Aswin.

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