JAKARTA - March 30 is designated as World Bipolar Day to invite people to empathize with the feelings of those who experience it. As a singer, Arina was moved to create the song Aku Disini to give support to Bipolar sufferers in passing through their condition.

The owner of the full name Istiqomah Arina Proboningtyas wrote the song Aku Disini herself as a form of support for people who experience problems with mental health/mental illness. According to her, she has to speak up because bipolar disorder is still taboo to discuss. In fact, many do not understand or underestimate it.

“This is my first single and this song probably represents a feeling that is rarely expressed in other songs. I was inspired to make this song because I saw people around me who seemed like they were okay but weren't really. They have to struggle on something and they need to talk to someone to make them feel better”, said Arina about this song.

Lyrics by lyrics were conveyed by Arina in a simple way to convey the message of this song. With a light yet beautiful musical arrangement from Aldisyah Latuihamallo, Arina performed with her slick, light, and cool vocal skills, making this song sound cool to be heard.

The recording process for Aku Disini was carried out in Jakarta and Bali. In working on this song, Arina was also assisted by great musicians such as Andre Dinuth, Rachel Levina, Rifandi Harvyan. "The execution of the arrangement, music, and recording took 2 weeks for this song. The basic music has actually been around for 1 year. Then it was arranged again by Aldi. All music recordings were done by musicians in Jakarta, after that Aldi flew to Bali to help me record the vocals”, explained Arina.

With the presence of this song, Arina hopes that this song can inspire many people to want to share stories and empathize with others. “Please don't hesitate to tell someone you can trust and spend a little of your time and energy listening to other people. We do small things but they mean big things to others...be a listener even if it's only for one person!”, said Arina.

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